Introduction to a Girl With Half a Plan

First off, my name is Haley Renee Cook. I am from a small town called Durant, Oklahoma, where I have lived pretty much all my life (besides my time here). I am a junior this year, and am double majoring in Music and Criminology, and am kind of on track to add a Film and Media Studies minor simply because I enjoy those classes so much and have taken quite a few already. So there's all the "boring" stuff.

I am a member of the sorority Alpha Gamma Delta here on campus, as well as secretary of the anime club. As you probably gathered from that, I love anime! I love the art style and the great stories it can tell. I love to sing, draw, and write, but I am probably most proud of my singing ability. I also love to read! I started working out over the summer and discovered that I actually enjoy it. My favorite novel is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Some other favorites of mine are as follows:

Color: Purple
Food: Chinese
TV Show: American Ninja Warrior
Anime: Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)
Song: Peace of Mind - Boston
Music Genre: 80s
Movie: Treasure Planet

As a small fun fact, I am currently obsessed with Roosterteeth's web series RWBY. I love the characters, the design, the soundtrack, and the progress the team has made with using the technology to create the show! I have a poster, some sweatpants, two shirts, a phone case, a calendar...... you get my drift.

My future goals include going to law school and then...... becoming a lawyer of some sort. I have time to figure that out.... I think. All I know is that I am fascinated by sociology and have found that I understand it well. I love learning about how society can shape ideas and group attitudes, and how all of it has shifted over time. It's incredible to look at what's going on in the US and learning to understand WHY it is happening. No matter where life takes me, I know it's going to involve law and sociology, so that's a start at least. If none of that works out, I think I would love to be a pop star, because a girl can dream, and dreams themselves will never let you down.

Also, I went to Austria this summer!! It was the first time I've ever left the country, and I've gotta say, it was MARVELOUS. I would go back in a heartbeat.

                        (Personal photo of my new friends and me in Austria; taken August 2017)
                                                      (I am the one in the striped dress)


  1. What a great combination of majors/minor, Haley, and I am guessing that if you like anime, you will enjoy the graphic novels that are available for reading in this class; OU Libraries awarded a grant to this class a couple of years ago to acquire books, comic books, and graphic novels to keep on Reserve in Bizzell for people to read in this class, and it is something I am really excited to share with everybody. And maybe you will want to do a law-inspired project for this class: the concept of Dharma is at the heart of both epics, and it is a great jumping off point for thinking about justice and the law (both of which you can find as translation for that Sanskrit word which has no exact equivalent in English...). I hope you will enjoy the class!

  2. Hi Haley! That sounds like such a fun combination of majors and minors! I've always been really interested in criminology (mainly from watching the show Criminal Minds) but I haven't taken an actual class. Chinese food is also some of my favorite food, we have this one restaurant close to my home town that I always have to go to whenever I come home. I'm from a small town as well, Hydro, OK if you've ever heard of that.

  3. Hey Haley!
    You definitely have a lot interest seeing as you are a double major in Music and Criminology and potentially picking up a minor in film and media studies. I am on the same page as you with film and media studies. I took one class my freshman year and it has been one of my favorite classes I have taken yet. Sadly my schedule is a bit restrictive and I haven't got a chance to take any more film classes. I wish you the best luck in the future!

  4. There's an Anime club? That's so cool Haley! I haven't seen many but I know Death Note, Naruto, and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. I try not to watch too many Animes, because I'd get addicted so quick. Also, I think it's cool that you're a sociology major. I've always told people to study something interesting, then worry about a job later. Because it hardly matters what major you pick: the job market is tough. Also, Ninja Warrior is amazing, but the original was so much better in my opinion!

  5. Hi Haley!

    That's so cool that you like anime! I used to be totally obsessed with it, though not as much anymore. I will still watch some occasionally. Hellsing Ultimate holds a special place in my heart, but I can understand where that one may be too brutal for many people... RWBY has been one of the things on my list to watch. I have only seen clips of it. From what I have seen, the animation looks interesting and pretty. I also love The Kite Runner; it is such a roller coaster of depression, yet it is such a good book! And 80s music: I don't know about you, but I love me some sweet glam metal, man!

  6. Hi Hailey,
    I think one of the most interesting things about this post is what you labeled as "boring". Your two degrees and minors show a real variety of interests and I think that is really cool. I am a film major, but I used to be a double major with Biochemistry, so I understand how tough that must be to balance all of the classes and studies. I'm glad to hear you enjoy the film classes you've taken, I personally have loved every one I've taken too.

  7. Hi Haley!

    I think it's really cool that you love anime. That is a really unique interest and I did not even know OU had an anime club. Also as a Pre-Law senior I can say that you definetely have time to figure out exactly what you want to do! Music and Criminology are real cool majors to apply to law school with and they will definetely make you stand out. I really enjoyed your post and look forward to reading your stories.


  8. Hey Haley! I had no idea that OU had an anime club! I'm glad that you get to be apart of a club that holds your interest. I have a friend who is currently in OU Law an she loves it so you have something to look forward to. I can't imagine being a double major! I'm taking criminology right now and it's anything but boring, more like complicated. It was nice meeting you! Wish you luck this semester.

  9. Hi Haley,

    I really liked your introduction, it seems like you are into a lot of things! I'm a big film and media fan myself, I just haven't had the chance (or time) to take any of the classes at OU, but I heard they are awesome. I've never been to Austria, but I've been to Germany and now I wish I would've made the trip over their. Unfortunately, the only anime I've every watched is Dragon Ball Z, but I have heard there are other great ones similar, they just seem to take up so much time to watch!

    I look forward to seeing more posts from you.


  10. Hi Haley!

    I loved reading your intro and getting to learn more about the things you like! I've always been fascinated by anime and its uniqueness! I'm glad that you have found classes here at OU that you have enjoyed so much that you ended up minoring in it. I'm convinced that OU offers majors and minors that everyone will love, its just a matter of exploring whats out there :). Good luck this semester!

  11. Hi Haley!

    You definitely have a variety of interests, which I think is great. And you seem to be very creative as well, which I'm sure will help greatly in this class.
    That's awesome that you've been to Australia. It's really a beautiful country. I've been to Brisbane (for about three days) and Darwin (for about eights days), but at some point, I would like to see the west coast.

    Good luck on the rest of the semester!

  12. Hello Haley!

    So, I think you are a pretty cool person because me and you have the same color! my room is a lavender purple.I went to high school in Lawton so we played a few softball games in Durant. I also like Chinese food. Have you found a good place to get Chinese take - out? If so please let a sister know! Power to you for liking to read and with topics related to law and sociology! I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors!

  13. Hi Haley!

    I'm a sociology major so we have definitely taken many of the same courses! If you ever need any class or professor recommendations I know them all and can help! I was going to say I love Chinese food, but honestly I love all food so I have food taste in common with everyone. I am jealous of your trip you took this summer! I love to travel.

  14. Hi Haley!

    One of my major is also Criminology. It is always nice to meet people with similar interests! Maybe we will even have a class together some day. Also, I think becoming a pop star as your back up plan sounds great. You should definitely shoot for the stars because who knows what can happen. Lastly, I am super jealous you went to Austria. That is definitely on my bucket list.

  15. Hi Haley,
    It is great to meet you. I really liked reading your introduction it was really interesting! That is really cool that you are majoring in criminology. I think you are the first person I have met that is majoring in that and it really interests me. Hopefully when I go to read your stories they revolve around crime and mystery! That is also really cool how you went to Austria with your friends. The only place out of the US I have been is Mexico, so I am jealous. It was great getting to know you and I hope you have a great semester. Good luck!

  16. Haley,

    Thank you for sharing your intro as I enjoyed reading it. I think it is really interesting that you are a criminology major as I wish I could major in something so interesting. I don't think I have the right mind for it but I would love to learn more about it and the career paths you can take after graduation. I hope that I can read more of your stories throughout this semeester and wish you the best going forward!

  17. Hey Haley! I think it's super interesting to be a Criminology major! My friend is one and it honestly sounds so enlightening and fun to major in. I love the Kite Runner as well; it truly is an amazing read! I also think it's cool that you are thinking about law because I think that career brings a lot of perspective.

    Austria sounds amazing too! I would love to go visit a European country but haven't been able to yet :( maybe one day! Anyway, good luck on your stories this semester :)

  18. Hey Haley! That's awesome that you're a double major in music and criminology. Not many people have combined those majors, so it's really neat. I, too, love anime, but I haven't seen the one that you listed as your favorite yet. I haven't been watching much, but I need to get back into it. You seem very artistic, which is awesome! I loved The Kite Runner too, it was so sad and touching. You're so lucky you got to visit Austria! I hope to visit any of the countries in Europe one day, mostly Germany, but it would be such a wonderful experience! It was so great meeting you, good luck this semester and the future to come!

  19. Hi Haley!
    That's really amazing that you are studying what seems to be such an eclectic range of things. I think that's wonderful, and a very well rounded approach. I have to say that you might not have all the steps of your future planned out yet, but you are still well ahead of the curve. I turned 39 three days ago, and I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. I haven't ever been to Austria, but I spent a lot of time in Germany. It was awesome, and I definitely recommend traveling as much as your able. I hope your semester is going well, and good luck in the future!

  20. Hi Haley. I really like your introduction, especially the title. I know the feeling of having half a plan and I liked that addition. Your majors seem very interesting and diverse. I like that you are doing what you are passionate about and what you enjoy. Most people (including myself) tend to pick a major based on making money or what is easiest. You seen to take a different approach. I also absolutely love the movie Treasure Planet. I haven't thought about it in years but after seeing it on your profile I may watch it today. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Hi Haley! I think it's so cool that your interests a so varied, and that you really embrace them all, from being in a sorority, to watching anime, to your hopes of being a lawyer and the fact that you own up to not knowing exactly what kind. As a side note, my favorite color is purple too, to an excessive level. That fourth grade thing where all your stuff needs to be your favorite color, and it you see something that's your favorite color you have to have it? I never quite grew out of that. I order the purple drink from Starbucks very often, and the new laptop I just got on Cyber Monday is purple too.

  22. Hi Haley! Great to get to "meet" you before the end of the semester! I love that you have so many cool interests! I mean getting a (maybe) minor in Film and Media studies??? That's so cool! I love that you're an Alpha Gam, I'm actually a Theta so we're neighbors! I think it's awesome that you have really chosen your path in college and the future based on things you are passionate about now! Wishing you all the luck in the world this semester and with finals especially!!!


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