My Week 2 Story
Goblin City
President Brad awoke to sand in his mouth and water in his shoes. As he sat up, he realized he was on a beach. A beach filled with his unconscious frat bros. He wondered how they all got there before he suddenly remembered the storm…..the terrible storm that capsized his boat while he and his bros were on their way to Cancun for spring break.
He immediately sat up and tried to wake his bros, but they were trashed. Suddenly, he heard giggles. He looked towards the sound and saw a huge gaggle of beautiful girls, all coming towards him. He was startled, but not disappointed.
“Hello brave traveler,” the one in the front said.
He liked being called brave traveler.
“Do not be afraid. We witnessed your shipwreck, and we are here to help. Awaken your brothers and follow us into the village.”
As they turned away, Brad quickly went to work on getting the boys up. Upon mention of the girls, their eyes popped open, and they jumped to their feet to follow. All 24 of them walked behind the women in a long line of boat shoes and Hawaiian themed shirts. As they neared the edge of the treeline, they could hear more voices and see a bustle of movement. They quickened their pace and reached the main village, where tons of men and women were working hard on gathering food and building houses. Brad was amazed. He turned to his bros as if to say “do y’all see this craziness???”
The first woman turned back to them and said “This is our humble village. You may stay as long as you like, at least until you are able to leave.” She smiled, and the boys’ hearts melted. Brad already felt as if they could stay forever…… until he felt a tug on his sleeve.
“Dude…..” It was vice president Chad. “What is it, Chad?” asked Brad.
Chad shiftily looked around. “Dude…. you gotta listen to me. These women are monsters!! They’re big scaly green creatures with sharp teeth and they smell AWFUL! Also, what are they talking about???? There’s no village here! There’s nothing! We gotta get-“
“CHAD. Are you freaking high right now?”
“Well, yeah, but-“
“Aw geez, dude. You gotta calm down, you’re just seeing things.” Brad brushed him off and went back to following the girls into the village. Chad looked worried, but he left it alone.
The day passed rather uneventfully, with the boys introducing themselves and calling dibs on the various women that were available. When it grew dark, each woman allowed a bro to stay in her house on a separate bed. They happily obliged.
Brad was staying in a house with the woman who first spoke, Brittany. He was so stoked he couldn’t sleep. He kept himself awake with daydreams about taking his host woman back to University with him, showing her off to the rest of the fraternity, taking her on dates to his favorite taco joint, sharing a beer —
Suddenly, Brad heard muffled speaking in the main room, which was strange. Brittany should be the only one in the house.
He crept into the main room and peeked in. He saw Brittany, huddled under lots of blankets, sound asleep. He could hear her mumbling.
Aw, he thought. She’s talking in her slee-
"Boy howdy, I sure love the taste of men’s flesh."
Oh. That didn’t sound good.
Brad sprinted out of the house and to the house that Chad was in. He snuck into his room and shook him awake.
“Chad, wake up. I need you to give me some of your weed.”
Sleepily, Chad replied, “Dude, get your own….”
Chad popped awake and quickly reached into his boxers for his emergency joint. He passed it to Brad who lit it and took a puff. Suddenly, the village around him disappeared and turned into a giant wasteland. It was horrifying, but Brad knew this was not the time to get distracted. He grabbed Chad’s arm and took off to find all of his bros and tell them about the situation.
To Brad’s horror, only some of them accepted the Joint of Truth. They said they did not want to smoke, and were disappointed that the boys got high during such a wonderful trip. Nonetheless, Brad had to try and save as many of his bros as possible. He was in charge.
He and Chad gathered the bros who had seen the light, and sprinted across the island for the water. Once there, they were unsure of what to do, until they saw a figure in the sky. It was a bird….a plane… it was a giant flying horse!!! The bros were surprised, but they had by now seen stranger things on this trip.
The horse landed in front of them, explaining that a good fairy had sent him to save them. They did not question the horse, for they were grateful for an escape. The clambered on as best they could, and the horse carried them back to freedom. As for the remaining frat boys…..they met their tragic demise at the hands of the man-eating goblins, for that was what the women truly were.
To this day, the bros never speak of that fateful spring break trip. Sometimes, though, when they’re high, they can still see the shimmering mane of that flying horse, and a glimpse of sharp teeth whenever they look at a beautiful woman.
Author's Note: The original story follows a group of sailors who shipwreck on a mysterious island, where they encounter beautiful women approaching them at the shore, and a bustle of hardworking island dwellers in the background. However, this was all a trick put together by the women, who were really goblins in disguise. Goblins attract men by shapeshifting, and when the men least expect it, they gobble them up! But the men did not know this, and they came onto the island to live and marry the "women." One night, the captain overhears his "wife" muttering about eating man's meat, and he realizes they've all been tricked! He tries to convince the sailors to escape with him, but only half believe him. A fairy overhears the captain, and sends a magical horse to grab him and anyone else who wants to escape to safety. Alas, those who stayed behind were gobbled up.
I thought the story was a tad boring because of the lack of action, so I added dialogue and a humorous twist to it with the frat boy scenario. As a general disclaimer, I'm in Greek life myself, so I don't think the frat boy stereotype is true, but it makes for a really funny story in my opinion.
Bibliography. "Goblin City" The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse.
Goblin City

Beauty of the Fairy image by Yangfan on Pinterest.
Source: Pinterest
I really like the section of your story where your Brad and Chad use weed of all things to see through the goblins' illusion. Honestly, I snorted out a laugh when Brad was yelling in all capital letters, and then I actually laughed out loud when you called the joint the "Joint of Truth." There is just something funny in how serious that name sounds. I do wonder, though, how and for how long Chad kept that joint in his boxers. You could think that it would fall out or be ruined in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteThis is more of an idea toss than anything else, but what if they were being rescued by a helicopter, and the weed made them see a talking, flying horse? It does not really fit into your story, especially since that would ruin the truth part of the Joint of Truth. It just seemed like funny twist.
So your story is literally the best story I have read this week! Not only was your story super descriptive and well written, it was super funny. I am not exaggerating when I say that I was laughing almost the whole time I was reading it. I even shared it with my roommate who thoroughly enjoyed it as much as I did. Great job!